We are sorry, as our company is situated in the Czech Republic, most of the references are only in the Czech language variant of the website.
References from all over Europe
- Technological Centre TEXIMP, Beluša, Slovakia - A passenger hydraulic lift OHV 630
- Detached house Košice, Slovakia - A glass-walled lift shaft with glass-walled Travel lift
- Summer residence Rogoznica, Croatia - A residential lift Travel with automatic door in a brick shaft, for 4 floors
- WooW toys, Dvořákovo nábrežie, Bratislava, Slovakia - An atypical platform lift Travel for 2 floors installed in a tree
- A new detached house, Bratislava, Slovakia - A residential lift for 2 floors
- Detached house, Bratislava, Slovakia - vertical platform lift Travel 385 kg, laminate design